Fenics Market Data (FMD) is the exclusive distributor of data for BGC Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: BGC) and its affiliates, a global brokerage group serving the financial markets through brands such as BGC, GFI, RP Martin, Continental Capital Markets, Amerex, Aurel, Sunrise, Remate, Radix, Trident, BGC Liquidez, Poten & Partners, Ginga, and Perimeter Markets. Fenics Market Data also serves as the exclusive distributor of FMX Exchange Data and is a leading provider of global financial and commodities market data.

• Data is sourced directly from the global broking operations of BGC Group and its subsidiaries, including electronic and voice broking, global pricing systems and analytics, with enhanced coverage through Fenics Market Data (FMD) proprietary data packages
• Leading 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday
• Elite team of quantitative analysts, data scientists, and data engineers
• Streaming, intra-day, end-of-day, historical delivery of market data with versatile delivery methods
Comprehensive global multi-asset data coverage
• Leading 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday
• Elite team of quantitative analysts, data scientists, and data engineers
• Streaming, intra-day, end-of-day, historical delivery of market data with versatile delivery methods
Comprehensive global multi-asset data coverage

- Foreign Exchange and Money Markets: Spot, Forwards, NDFs, Implied Yields, Repurchase Agreements, FX Options
- Rates: IRS, Basis Swaps, Cross Currency Swaps, Overnight Index Swaps, FRAs, Non-deliverable Swaps, Butterflies, Forward Starting Swaps, Spreads , Alternative Reference Rates, Futures
- Interest Rate Options: Swaptions, Caps/Floors, Constant Maturity Swaps
- Inflation: Fixing Seasonal Swaps, Inflation Options, Inflation Swaps
- Fixed Income: Government Bonds, Emerging Markets Bonds, Corporate Credit Bonds, Credit Default Swaps, Futures
- Energy & Commodities: Coal, Freight, Gas, LNG, Power, US Power & Gas Options, Iron Ore, Precious Metals, Precious Metals Options, Base Metals Options
- Equity Derivatives: Index Options