1 week until the XLoD Global flagship event in London, November 13th and 14th. 

1 week until the XLoD Global flagship event in London, November 13th and 14th.

We look forward to discussing how Fenics Market Data is leading the industry and helping our clients solve the complex data requirements for non-listed OTC markets as it relates to 1st & 2nd line of defense Trade Surveillance workflows and market abuse regulations on suspicious orders, modification to and/or cancellation of transactions or orders and OTC derivative transactions and orders.

• Fixed Income, Interest Rate Derivatives, Credit, FX, Commodities, Energy, Freight, and Equity Derivatives • Our comprehensive information is sourced directly from BGC and its affiliated interdealer brokerage businesses market leading electronic and voice liquidity platforms, including but not limited to: BGC, GFI, FMX, Fenics UST, RP Martin, Amerex, Aurel, Sunrise, Remate, BGC Liquidez, Poten & Partners, Ginga and Perimeter Markets.

For further information, contact us at [email protected]

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